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posted by PkmnTrainerJ
Time for Lost...
Time for Lost...
Okay, first of all, I shall let you all into my creative process of these articles before I begin. I get home from work, watch the episode, go and post a trailer for the next episode and then put on some Motion City Soundtrack and start on this. I usually have a good starting point by this time.

I do know, that I am not going to discuss what happened at the camp in this episode, as it was all summarised in the Sneak Peek video for this episode better than I could do it. Nothing else of interest happened there apart from what's in the trailer.

This episode however, I have no starting point. I...
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In the past, I have complained about the willingness of some "LOST" fans to make excuses or dismiss some of Kate Austen’s more serious mistakes and crimes. But after a debate on the "TELEVISION WITHOUT PITY" forum about the character of James “Sawyer” Ford, I now realize that Kate was not the only popular character that fans tend to defend. One other character has been defended just as much, or perhaps even more than Kate. And I am referring to one James “Sawyer” Ford.

I suppose it made sense that Sawyer’s profession happened to be a con artist. Several years following the deaths...
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Thank you very much, everyone who has voted for me! You, guys are great.

1. First, How did you got into Lost?
The very first scene of Lost that I saw was the one where Sayid, Sawyer & co encounter the polar bear in S1 Pilot. That was when the questions started to come to my mind. “Who are these people?” “ Are they ever going to get off that island?”... Ever since watching that scene I got addicted to Lost. When I started watching Lost, season 3 already aired on ABC, so I purchased s2 and s3 DVD's. It was funny how I managed to watch 2 full seasons in about 3 days...xD

2. Favourite...
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Below is Part III of a list of my favorite episodes featuring "LOST" characters:


Claire Littleton

1. (1.10) "Raised By Another" - Claire endures a series of bad dreams of someone attacking her, which leads to Hurley checking the plane's passenger list. Flashbacks reveals Claire's discovery of her pregnancy and a psychic urging her not to hand over the baby for adoption.

2. (2.15) "Maternity Leave" - When Aaron becomes sick, Claire, Kate and Danielle Rousseau travel to where Claire was held captive, an abandoned Dharma medical station,...
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I was 7 when I realized what I was capable of. The dreariness of standing alone in that room was blaring down on me. I searched my mind for a way to get out of this. This was a timeout. It was so humiliating. In games timeouts were supposed to be a break, a chance to catch your breath and relax, but how was this a break? I had to stand against the wall alone and my legs were starting to feel rubbery. In my opinion this was cruel and unusual punishment, especially because every 5 seconds one of the kids in my classroom would "go to the bathroom". What they really were doing was peeking through...
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[Black screen with voiceover.]

CHANG: In a world of conflict and strife, there is but one fact we all can agree upon... everybody loves Hugo.

[Applause is heard as a picture of Hurley fills the screen.]

CHANG: Born to humble surroundings, Hugo Reyes has always been a beacon of light for all who cross his path.

[Photos of Hurley as a baby are shown.]

CHANG: Hugo's lifelong love affair with chicken led him to acquire and then expand the Mr. Cluck's chain into a worldwide phenomenon.

[Photos are shown of Mr. Cluck's stores in famous locations across the globe.]

CHANG: The exponential growth of Hugo's...
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As many of you may know Daniel Faraday departed from our screens on Lost a few days ago. It is not 100% confirmed that he is dead but I think form the last episode we can assume he is.

Now Daniel was one of my favourite characters from the moment he arrived on the island in the final few seconds of "4x01 The Beginning of the End". Straight away I could tell that he was going to be such an influential, inspirational and awesome character. The next episode gave us a lot more of Dan and built his character. He was quirky yet intelligent and very mysterious. Throughout the fourth series Dan made...
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[Shot of Claire's eye opening. We hear a baby crying and see Claire looking around. She sits up and she isn't pregnant. She hears the baby cry, gets up and walks into the jungle to find the baby. We see Locke sitting at a table with a lamp, tarot cards, a table runner, and crystals. He's dealing the cards [but we can't see what they are]. We hear the sound of a sword being unsheathed. There is wind and motion in the trees.]

CLAIRE: What's happening?

LOCKE: You know what's happening.

CLAIRE: But I don't understand. Why --?

LOCKE: He was your responsibility but you gave him away, Claire. Everyone...
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Am I the only one who is getting really annoyed at the number of lost clip compilation videos and "fanvids" in the video section. It's a GREATLY AWESOME show, but these videos are really annoying and get in the way of important ones. I especially hate music videos made, put together with clips from the show. Do you agree with me? Or am I being to OTT?

WTF why does the Article need to be longer..... Oh , im ment to post this in the forum, well i will as well but its more likely to be read here. Sorry if this is annoying but ive typed it out now. and to make it longer im going to copy n paste...
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posted by backtoblack
Anna, congratulations for winning FOTM!Totally deserved!
Aww, thank you, Eli! I`m really happy you`re the one who`s interviewing me, I mean it! First of all, I want to thank all the people who did vote for me because... Let`s face it! Anna as a FOTM? I didn`t see that one coming... At least that fast. Once again, thanks! This spot is actually one of my favourites here on Fanpop, because there is such a great atmosphere between all fans in general. Keep rocking, you guys!

1.First of all tell us how you got into Lost,what made you watch it?
Oh, well. Where should I start? To be honest, everything...
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This may seem confusing...
Lets say that all the Losties (Locke, Jack, Kate, Sawyer) where members of the Dharma in the past (as we have seen in a spoiler photo they are all dressed as them). Then lets say that the gas Ben used did not kill the Dharma but unstuck them in time causing their nose's to bleed when they got 'stuck' like Minkowski said 'I can't get back' maybe he didn't die but got stuck as his older self, so future him died but past him did not. Still with me.

So if the losties where Dharma perhaps they where send back in time or off the island or even forward in time. If you look at the pilot Jack wakes up in the jungle much like Ben does in 4x09 after teleporting and he also has a batton like thing next to him (Right of screen)
[A needle lands on a record. Hurley is in the food storage area eating candy, chips, cereal, a steak, and ice cream. Suddenly Jin appears.]

JIN: Hi there, Hurley.

HURLEY: Jin, you're here.

JIN: I sure am.

HURLEY: Dude, you speak English.

JIN: No, you're speaking Korean.

HURLEY: [Subtitle: I am?]

[Hurley stands and suddenly there is a chicken-mascot-man standing next to Jin.]

HURLEY: [Subtitle: What's he doing here?]

[We start hearing the countdown "blip" sound.]

JIN: Everything's going to change.

HURLEY: [Subtitle: What?]

JIN: Everything's going to change. Have a cluckity-cluck-cluck day, Hugo.

[The chicken-mascot-man...
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posted by TheLostBrotha
My name is Dr. LostBrotha
My name is Dr. LostBrotha
Hello Fellow LOSTies!

My name is Dr. LostBrotha and I hear you have been having some withdrawal symptoms as LOST is on hiatus. I believe you are suffering from a thing called LOSTolia. If you think you have this please follow the check list below of symptoms.

1. Every time you see a plane you think its Oceanic Flight 815.

2. You get extremely pissed off when someone asks "Why is the fat guy still fat?"

3. You don't understand why Heroes is the number one spot on Fanpop.

4. You wish your Parents volunteered for the Dharma Initiative.

5. You spent your whole summer finding...
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posted by nphturtle
I remember between seasons five and six, me and my older brother were making a lot of predictions. Right before the season premiere, I realized that I was going to be busy that night, and might not make it in time. My brother joked that he would watch it, then tell me a mix of real and fake spoilers to confuse and annoy me. One of his "spoilers" was that Sawyer would turn evil and join up with the smoke monster. We both laughed and waved that off. Now I look back on that moment and realize how startlingly close that prediction was. I wonder how accurate his other spontaneous predictions were...
posted by cookie-cutie
The episodes title comes from the statement made by a TV news reporter. "Oceanic Flight 815 did, in fact, crash at sea," but says the discovery does not offer any sense of closure. All of the passengers are "confirmed dead."

We meet four new characters:

In Essex, Massachusetts, Daniel Faraday weeps as he watches a news report about the discovery on television. A woman (his wife, as indicated by her ring) asks why he is crying. He replies that he does not know.

In Inglewood, California a man drives up to a house while listening to the radio. A reporter on the radio says that it was the "worst...
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posted by TheLostBrotha
Jin and Sawyer found out it was Michael's eye...Poor Michael, he's even sheilding his eyes...or is it just eye!
Jin and Sawyer found out it was Michael's eye...Poor Michael, he's even sheilding his eyes...or is it just eye!
Way back in Season 2 Episode... errrgghh.... 7, the tailies fell upon The Arrow Station witch looked like a storage facility. While looking through the stuff, Libby found a glass eye...and then it was never seen or talked about again...so who's was it?

The 3 Prime suspects:

1. Mikhail - We first saw this fellow In Season 3 Episode 5 'The Cost Of Living *sniff* Eko *sniff*...I thought this was the creepiest guy ever on LOST with his eye patch...followed by Ben ofcourse, but it might not be his eye as in the season 3 finale you saw what was under his eye patch and the eye lid was stuck shut (Can't...
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So originally the winner of Lost FOTM was going to have interview questions asked by me, but then I won lol, so I was a bit stuck as to who'd ask the questions! Thankfully, link was kind enough to create some for me :)

Again, I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who voted!

1) First and foremost, how did you get in to Lost?
I'd always loved sci-fi type tv shows, and before Lost my only other favourite was The X-Files. I saw on a forum that an X-Files fan was starting to like a new show called "Lost". I started watching Season 1 on Youtube believe it or not LOL! It was quite annoying because...
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Josh Randall as Nathan in 'The Other 48 Days'
Josh Randall as Nathan in 'The Other 48 Days'
For some time now, we've just accepted that Nathan (season 2, episode 7 Tailie from 'The Other 48 Days') is Canadian and that Ana Lucia merely had 'the wrong guy'.
I'm asking the question... Who is Nathan really?
On several re-watches of the episode, I started to realize there was a lot more going on than I originally thought.

One thing that's important to remember is LOST's Canada deception!

It's well known that EVERY other reference to Canada or being Canadian on LOST (and there are many), is indicative of deception.

It stands to reason that Nathan may not actually be Canadian at all, or if he...
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Interesting theory I found on lostpedia about Jacob's and the MIB conflict.

* Jacob and Esau were twins. In Genesis 25:23, God tells their mother Rebekah "Two nations are in your womb and two people from within you will be separated; one will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger." This verse gives clues to the rivalry betwen Jacob and MiB.
* The firstborn Esau by right was entitled to the family birthright but Jacob bartered for it when Esau was starving. Just as we see Jacob offer MiB some fish to eat in their conversation, the first conversation between Jacob and...
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posted by marcee
This weeks LOST episode had to be hands down the most dissapoint, worthless episode of all time. Anyone agree????